Modern technology is providing many methods to stimulate the production of natural gas and oil. GeoSafe has access to modern technology that differentiates themselves from ordinary chemical companies and allows the company to compete with the large providers while employing cost effective pricing coupled with excellent service. GeoSafe has a broad spectrum of chemical programs that treat paraffin and asphaltine, scale deposition, corrosion inhibition, emulsion problems, friction reduction, water saturation problems, etc.
Our chemical programs are focused for the following:
Production Enhancement
Coiled Tubing

For the past few years, it has been possible to produce successfully in minimum permeability formations, using combinations of horizontal perforations and multiple stages of hydraulic fractures. These formations can be of different types. Shale, tight sand or tight carbonates, with a very low permeability matrix, of the micro-Darcy or nano-Darcy type; and, possibly, some natural fractures.
When permeability of the matrix is low, it is difficult to achieve protection with a long- term inhibitor. In these cases, other techniques are required.
A recent development uses a type of solid with a certain porosity, which allows this solid to be saturated with liquid inhibitors. These solid, liquid-filled inhibitors consist of free-flowing spheres with no apparent liquid properties.
GeoSolid inhibitors provide long-term protection. Fractures made in combination with these solids have achieved more than two years of inhibited production. They have been effective even in wells where incrustations and paraffin problems have been observed historically less than six months after the fracture.
Therefore, this new technology of solid inhibitors is becoming an accepted procedure in many of these terminations.
Review our Products
See our product listings and a discussion on the “GeoSolids” page which includes a video of applications.